spice amounts?

I am brewing up a holiday ale tonight with a belgian dark strong ale as the base, 6 gallon batch.  OG ~1.075, IBU ~ 17.  I was a little unsure on the amounts of spices but this is what I have so far:

2 sticks cinnamon
1.5 tsp ground nutmeg
1 oz peeled fresh ginger (minced)

I am also throwing in 1lb of dark brown sugar for some of the fermentables.

I was going to add all at 10 minutes left in boil unless someone can advise otherwise.  Does anyone have a critique on the amounts?  Should the cinnamon be ground up prior to adding?

That may be too much ginger but it is hard to say. I used 1-1/4 oz grated ginger root in a lighter beer a while back and is was way too much. I just brewed the same beer and dialed it down to 1/2 oz but I am not sure of the results yet as it is still fermenting. In a darker/stronger beer, it probably will not be as noticeable though and it does mellow out with time.

Not necessary.  Especially if you’re putting the sticks in the boil.  You ought to get pretty good flavor.

I have thrown a couple sticks into the keg before and gotten a nice cinnamon flavor that way, too.

When are you planning on putting the spices in? I suggest as late in the boil as possible.

I agree with this. The last spiced beer I did I added all the spices, including whole cinnamon stick, at flame out. Turned out great. Kept the spice aroma.

If ground up, you’d likely need much less as you’ll get much better and quicker extraction.