Adding Spices

I’ve never used spices in my beer and I’d like to make a blonde ale to test out spices.  I’m thinking of adding Grains of Paradise and Coriander to my house blonde ale recipe of 2-row and Crystal 10.  What’s the best time to add spices?  Also, is there a general rule of thumb for how much to add?  I found a spreadsheet on BYO that lists generics, but what is everyone using when they brew?

I would check Mosher’s Radical Brewing for suggestions on how much to use, sorry I don’t have it here.

As for when, I would add them either at knockout or in secondary.  Boiling for more than a couple of minutes can add some nasty flavors.

If you are crushing the coriander fresh than I believe the standard amount is 2 grams for a 5 gallon batch. I could be wrong. I think I have used a tsp of preground coriander in wheats with good success.