Spinal Tap

I really like the Spinal Tap references from Denny :D  When my brothers and I get together and drink a few brews we start reciting lines from the movie back and forth.  This of course makes our wives  ::slight_smile:

One of the greatest movies of all time.  It goes to 11!

Break like the wind…

Tap, into America.

The answer is none…more black.

You need to get out more. :smiley:

“Smell the Glove!”

“You should’ve seen the cover they wanted to do!”

I have an india dark ale called “None More Black”.  It’s pure awesomeness.

Everytime I see the “Little Kiss” Dr. Pepper ads I think of the Mini-Stone Henge bit.  I hate the commercial but it makes me chuckle.


Spinal Tap is by far my favorite of the “mockumentary” dramas. If you like it also check out “Best in Show”. Almost as funny. “Waiting for Gufman” was pretty funny too. All of them done by Christopher Guest.

Oh yeah they are great movies.

Check out A Mighty Wind.

I think my beer would taste better in dubly :wink:

Probably my favorite, but the Guffman/BestinShow/MightyWind trilogy is awesome all around.  Their more recent ones, I was more, meh, on.  (For Your Consideration, was there another I don’t recall?)

One of the more striking things is just how GOOD the music is on A Mighty Wind.  These actors can actually sing!  But Guest as Corky St. Clair, ohhhh man that makes me laugh.

For some reason I didn’t think “Mighty Wind” was all that funny - I mean besides the name. Maybe I should watch it again.

“For Your Consideration” had a few moments but almost entirely missed the mark. Though I thought it was funny how they switched out “Purim” for “Thanksgiving”.

Fred Willard riffing on “hey, wha happened?” and “I don’t THINK so!”, that whole monologue manages to be both profoundly irritating and hilarious!  Irritarious, one might say.


Speakers on volume up.