Especially shenanigans…
New AHA recruiting poster?
Truly a classic!
Love it Denny!! That’s pretty much how my girl and me ended up together.
If that’s the definition of friendship, I am truly blessed. :o
Isn’t shenanigans Irish for honeymoon?
I now feel forced to waste an evening watching this stupid movie. Thanks, everyone
Think of it more as a docudrama. Especially the first 20 minutes or so. That is EXACTLY what law enforcement in America is really like.
It’s a pretty classic movie. It gets better each time I watch it. Did you know the guy that plays Rabbit has a prosthetic leg?
I watch both Beerfest and Super Troopers at least twice a year. Super Troopers 2 was announced in October and is supposed to start filming early next year. I’ll drink a liter of cola to that (or maybe a large Farva)
You are just making it worse. Now I HAVE HAVE HAVE to watch it tonight.
Awesome ! That first one is a cult classic. I crack up every time.
Hahaha, you guys tricked me. I finally watched (part of) Super Troopers, and it’s really, REALLY, R E A L L Y, very bad. I guess this is some kind of hazing of newbies on the forum?
Nope, it’s so bad that it’s great.meow
It gets better the second time you watch it.
I’m thinking of watching it again right meow
Hey, I’m smarter than you think.
No, truly you’re missing out if you give up on it
it helps to be really REALLY stoned. like silly teenager, smoking weed for the first time with the big kids kinda stoned.
it also helps if you are fan of that kind of ultra-silly humor which some folks are just not.
I got it after Christmas for $2; haven’t watched it yet.