Stalled Fermentation

A little help here. 3 weeks ago I brewed a Labatt Blue Clone OG Recipe called for an OG of 1.061 and a FG of 1.014. I used a starter of Wyeast 2206. My OG was 1.063, not bad. I know this is a lager but i have no choice to ferment at a higher temp temp of my house (70). Beer was chugging along pretty good for the first few days, and slowed down like normal. The airlock has still been bubbling VERY slowly. I just checked it and have a cavity reading of 1.031, WAY off from the recipe FG. I did use a refractometer, to check the FG, could that give false readings for FG? After 3 weeks, WTF is going on. Help!

A refractometer is unable to get an accurate reading after fermentation has begun. You can use a calculator to adjust the refractometer reading. Check out this website for more details. Refractometer FG Results «
Or, use a hydrometer for your FG reading.

Yep, need to correct the FG reading. I’d say your around 1.012-1.013

The linked site above has a speadsheet you can download. I use it for every brew. No need for a hydrometer, which I always break anyway.