Starter Question

I have a pack of Charlie’s Fist Bump that expired in September last year, 5 months ago.

I made a 1-liter SNS starter and it had a 24-hour lag but then fermented fine. Starter beer smells and tastes fine and FG is low.  I started it Wednesday to make sure it was alive before brewing this weekend.

Should I make another SNS or just pitch it? Right now it is in the fridge cold crashing. I’m making a 3 gallon 1052 APA. I feel like it’s safe to pitch as is. Thoughts? Not brewing until tomorrow.

Sounds like it is alive and will work in a 3-gallon batch perfectly.  If I were brewing say 6 to 10 gallons, then I might step up again, but will be fine for 3 gallons.

If a culture is not super old, I do not even make a starter for 3-gallon batches.  I never make more than 600ml starter for 3-gallon batches.

I wasn’t sure what to expect since the yeast was 5 months past it’s best by date. The supernatant tastes an smells fine so I think all is well.

Well this fermentation took right off. The gravity dropped 3 pts. in the first 24 hours.