Whats a good starting collection and amount of grains to have on hand?
Depends on how much brewing you do (volume and gravity). I like to keep at least one full sack of 2-row, pilsner, munich, vienna, maris otter and a couple of pounds of the range of crystals along with assorted other specialty grains including roasted and black malts. I could go on but I think it will depend on how much and what you prefer to brew.
I live about 1 hour from the nearest lhbs. I don’t brew that often, although I might increase that if I had grains and what not in hand. I don’t really have a preference on style I like to brew, but I’m not into ‘light’ beers. Wheat ales, Lagers, Stouts, Belgian Tripels…that sort of thing.
I brew at least a couple times per month, usually 5gal batches. I buy pale malt by the 50lb sack. I also keep several crystal and other specialty grains on hand. This is despite the fact I have my lhbs within a 5min drive. I like to be able to brew without having to run to the store every time.
I buy 2-row, pilsner, munich, and maris otter by the sack. I’ll usually just pick up a pound here and there of other specialty grains as I need them for recipes.
I brew mostly german lagers and american ales, and brew 10-20gal per month (no I don’t drink it all).
I generally keep:
1-2 sacks 2-row (sometimes Maris instead)
1-2 sacks pils
1 sack munich
1 sack vienna
5-10# dextrin
5-10# c-20L
5-10# c-45l
2-3# C-120L
5# biscuit or victory
5# chocolate
2-3# roasted
1# black
I have buckets for each and when they start getting low, I restock. My inventory is suited toward what I brew so that it turns over in a reasonable amount of time.
I have a big amount on hand.
1 sack of Weyermann Pils
1 sack of Weyermann Vienna
1 sack of Durst Dark Munich
1 sack of TF Maris Otter
1/2 sack of Briess 2 row
1/2 sack of Briess 6 row
20 lbs Golden Pride
20 Lbs weyermann light Munich
15 lbs Warminster floor malted MO
15 Lbs Best Pils malt
18 lbs Floor Malted Weyermann Bohemian malt
Plus a bunch of specialty malts and flaked grains.
Ten gallon batch size. Lots of plans for different beers.
I used to have just some on hand. That was back when it was a hobby, now it is a lifestyle. ;D
Thanks for all the feedback. You guys have given me some great info.