Starters +

I’m a bit behind. Just finished listening to EXB episode 49 on starters. Denny and Drew were making the case for shaken not stirred starters.

Not covered in the show was methods for growing extra yeast for future use. Currently I have been making 4L starters (stir plate, decanting) pitching half and storing half. What do you think of this practice? Brewing low to middle of the road gravity beers. Next time round (usually months later) I repeat the process with the stored yeast as the starter yeast.


If that’s what you want to do, go for it.  A lot of people do.  I prefer to save slurry for future use.I have

I would favor harvested slurry as well, though I have never tried the split starter method you mention.  But for a reason.  I repitch to quite a few generations, and out of experience share the general view that yeast doesn’t really come into its own, adapted to actual brewery conditions and performing at its best,  until at least couple of generations in.  If you are perpetually keeping your source yeast as a starter, essentially a lab culture, you’re never getting ideal fermentation performance out of it.

I grow the yeast packet up into four 500ml stock starters and crash them. When brew day is approaching I boost one of the 500 ml stages to 2 liters, crash it, and then reconstitute it with fresh wort from the BK.

It sounds like a pain, but isn’t really, and I always get good activity 2-3 hours after pitching the yeast. It also allows me to have multiple yeast strains on hand depending on how I feel coming up to brew day.