After reading that post on bulk buys, I started rethinking how I store my grains. I was thinking of putting my specialty grains in mason jars but then realized that I would break those in a heartbeat. Then I realized that I have a bunch of Simply Orange bottles. Is there any obvious reason that is a bad idea that I am missing? I’d like to keep some roasted barley, munich malt, etc. in them. I can’t see any reason why not but I am if it is a bad idea, somebody will let me know. TY Homies.
I think the Simply Orange bottles would work just fine for storing grains (says the guy who uses glass mason jars )
It’s all about sealing the lid so that humid air cannot get in there and ruin your grains with moisture. At least that’s what it’s about in the Deep South.
PS. I use mason jars that were originally spaghetti sauce jars. It’s a good thing home brewing teaches you to remove labels.
I just use ziplock baggies with the label from the original package tucked inside. Works well and no worries about leakage.
I use baggies for my specialty grains and put them in a gamma seal bucket. My base grains are stored in Vittle Vaults. I tend to buy my Munich, Vienna, Acidulated Malt, and flaked grains in 10 lb. packaging, which I store in their original packaging (rolled up airtight and clipped after initial opening) and put in gamma sealed buckets or Vittle Vaults. I also use clear plastic pretzel kegs to store 1 lb. crystal malt bags (rolled and clipped) for crystal malts that I don’t use a lot.
Thanks. Yah, I have used mason jars in the kitchen but I always find myself dropping one every now and then. I also reuse the classico jars since they facilitate standard mason jar lids. I have used ziplocs but I found out the hard way that weevils will chew right through them. I bought some grain with weevils in it and lost a lot of grain in other bags. I now freeze my grain for 7 days before I store but that day I went to brew and saw a weevil infestation destroyed my brew spirit for a while. I have my 2 row in 5 gallon buckets with gamma lids and still wonder if that is even safe from critters.
My problem is mice. Any bag not sealed in a bucket or bottle vault will be chewed into my mice. I just bought a 50 lb. sack. I thought the thick bag material would be impenetrable. It wasn’t. A mouse chewed in. Luckily, I caught it quickly.
I use my old blue cooler mash tun as my storage bin. I keep bags of grain there. The grain that I plan to brew with for the next two brews are kept ‘on deck’ in their bags inside food safe buckets with gamma lids.
Thankfully so far I’ve only had problems with bugs occasionally but I’m sure the day will come when one of the mice who live in the neighborhood decides to try to make it in. (With three cats the mice indoors that mouse won’t have much time.) To keep out bugs and the inevitable mouse I keep everything in gamma buckets or vittles vaults.
I save & use the jars from stuff like this:
2 LB Powdered Peanut Butter from US Farms - NAKED PB
Or this:
Signature’s Kirkland Fancy Mixed Nuts, 40 Oz
Basically medium-to-giant plastic mason jars. Good against bugs; but I’m sure mice would get through the thin plastic in no time. Also, of course, not recommended for those with peanut allergies.
One of the things I miss about giving up my Costco membership during quarantine was buying those jars of nuts.
MICE!!! I have had mice go through bags but never through plastic containers. One more thing to look out for. damn them!!! Thanks team. one day I will have a cabinet for them.