How do people store ingredients their didn’t use on brew day? airtight containers?
How do people store ingredients their didn’t use on brew day? airtight containers?
I store hops vacuum sealed in the freezer. I store dry yeast in the fridge. I store grain in a blue cooler (an old mash tun) and in 5 gal buckets fitted with spin on lids.
I buy hops by the pound and freeze right away. When I open a package, anything that isn’t used is vacuum sealed in a Mason jar and frozen. Grains in 5 gal. buckets, unless they’re in sealed bags from the supplier, and dry yeast in the fridge. I usually order hops once/year, yeast and grains (whole) every 2 to 3 months.
I also buy hops that I use a lot of by the pound and put them in the freezer. then same goes with smaller amounts. When the package is opened, I then vacuum seal the package and stor them in a freezer. Both dry and liquid yeasts are stored in the fridge (do not freeze yeast).
I only buy hops in small quantities - 1 or 2 oz, to minimize the storage problem. When I have unused hops from a package, I roll up the end and squeeze out the air as much as possible. Then hold it tightly in place with rubber bands. then put this in a freezer zip lock. Then put that in a mason jar and close the lid tightly. These left over hops become bittering hops - aroma hops are generally from the original sealed package.
I buy hops by the pound and vacuum seal them for the freezer. Yeast is in a fridge. I buy base malt by the sack and keep it in the sack, other malts I buy just ahead of the brew day.
For me, malt is stored in large Vittles Vault containers with gamma seal lids, hops are stored in the freezer and yeast is in the fridge (36F). I tend to pitch batch to batch, though, so very little yeast is stored - unless in its original packaging.
I vacuum seal hops and yeast. Grains go in buckets. I don’t buy a lot of different grains at once. One sack at a time and use it until it is gone.