Stubborn Cornie Top

I’ve got a 5 gallon keg that’s really aggravating me. >:(

One half of the top has popped loose from the keg and I can’t seem to find the right adhesive to get it to stay down . . even tried Gorilla which I thought would be ideal.


I’ll be interested to hear solutions…I’ve got one just like that that I just tried Gorilla Glue on to no avail.

You gotta get it wet for the Gorilla glue to work well

I have never had to repair the top, but have successfully repaired the bottom.  I used Plumbers GOOP and worked it in with a Popsicle Stick.  Then used a rope and wrapped it around the Cornie and used a 2x2 & twisted it up like a tourniquet to apply pressure on the rubber where the glue was and let it sit for a few days before releasing the tourniquet. So far so good…

Did that.

Yepper . . same here, hence my foolish notion that Gorilla would work! :-\

Wouldn’t think it would take a lot to keep the bottom on, but lifting a full cornie is pretty stressful on the top joint.

Never know 'til you try…  Let us know if it works. I’m sure there are lots of brewers out there looking for the same solution.

Good point . . Is this stuff available at Slowes or Home Disappointment?

Probably.  Bought mine a Wally World in the Paint/Plumbing area…

You could give marine-tex a try. Make sure your surface is clean and dry, then give a couple days to properly cure. I have used it for many things and it has not let me down yet. Just a suggestion, good luck!

Any good contact glue should work but you might try heating the SS corney with warm water first to about 100F. The colder SS seems to keep the glue from setting up. Goop works if you smear it on the rubber liberally. Turn the keg upside down, apply lots of glue, set the keg down on the floor upside down, put a couple of bricks on it for a day. The excess glue that squeezes out can be removed by rubbing it with your fingers and peeling it off.

Went to Lowe’s last week and got a tube of Amazing Goop.

The only thing that amazes me at this point is that I haven’t put it on the keg yet.  :-\

I’ll report back when I get it done . . .


FWIW, The Amazing Goop seems to be hanging in there like a hair in a biscuit.

I’ve pulled, yanked, bludgeoned the top and she’s still holding fast.

Yippee for Amazing Goop!!

That’s good to know.  As mentioned above, I used it successfully on the bottom and now we know it works on the top as well.  Thanks for posting the update!!!

Is your keg still holding?
I just got one keg that both handles on top are loose and I need to glue them.
Thank you

Anyone tried DAP contact cement yet? That’s what I was going to try on mine this weekend.

Haven’t heard anything about DAP Contact Cement specifically.  Did read somewhere, after I posted here, that someone  successfully used construction adhesive.

Yes Sir . .holding fast!

Great news.
I already got me some Amazing Goop so I am ready to go.