I have an English Brown ale that has been fermenting since 11/18. I used Wyeast 1450 and I’m stuck at 1.020. I was hoping to get closer to 1.010. I started at 1.055. Should I add more yeast or just let it ride another week and bottle. I am happy with how it currently taste but I have never had a beer finish this high so I am not sure what to do. Recipe listed below.
Mashed single infusion @ 156 (Although it may have been a little higher)
You may very well be rather than stuck. Do a forced fermentation test. It will tell you id you have any fermentable sugars left. My guess is that you don’t. You have a lot of less fermentable grain in your recipe.
That FG is very indicative of a high mash temp and higher amounts of cara’s. As a general rule of thumb for me a FG of 1.020 is about 160 mash temp. I bet it’s done.
What could I do next time to make a little more fermentable but maintain the flavor I have achieved. I am pretty happy with how it taste and it fits to the style.
Consider using Munich malt in place of the crystal malt. Also, I find that Marris Otter gives enough biscuit and nutty flavor on its own. I don’t use victory with MO. I try to keep specialty grains around 10% of the total grain bill unless I have a specific reason for more. Also, mash lower but you know this. Get a decent digital thermometer for about $20 to track your temps.