Supermoss Vs.other finings

I’ve been using this in different styles, but doesnt seem very effective. has anytone tried this stuff?

I have a 98% full container of the stuff. I’ve given it plenty of chances to work. I’ve tried various ways of using, at different times, with different hydration techniques, etc. It’s pretty crappy stuff. Plain old Irish Moss works much better than Not-So-SuperMoss. Whirlfloc takes the cake though.

I tried it a few times on different styles, but never seemed to work as good as whirlfloc, so I composted the rest.

I have only used Whirlfloc tablets, super easy, super effective.

I bought some super moss ages ago when my LHBS was out of whirlfloc. I used it twice and didn’t like the added step of rehydrating. I didn’t notice anything negative in the performance.

Does it not rehydrate in the wort?

I usually forget kettle finings altogether.  If I needed to add another step, I wouldn’t bother.

Regardless, I find that everything clears with time.  Or with gelatin.

The instructions on the pack I had said to rehydrate in cool water. It does clump together when added to the water and takes some good mixing to get it into a slurry. I think it’s like cornstarch in that regard.