Hi there , I would like to ask you guys if anybody knows any idea of how much tamarind is good for a 6 galls brew?
I’ve never used tamarind in beer before but have been contemplating to do so.
First question of course would be: whole or concentrate?
What’s your aim? Full-whack tamarind, or a stout with hints of tamarind?
From what I understand tamarind when young can have a sour/tart flavor. When you use mature tamarind it gives a more smooth sweet flavor. I think if you are using it to provide a sour flavor I would be conservative to start and be a little more adventurous if using mature tamarind for a sweet flavor. Either way I think I could provide a unique Stout!
Also I found a recipe that uses 2lbs of Tamarind during the boil for a 5 gallon batch.
Here is the link: https://www.brewtoad.com/recipes/tamarind-brown-ale
Hope this helps!
Results are all over the map. I’ve seen as much as two pounds per five gallons down to as little as five grams per five gallons. Tamarind can be found in its natural form, semi-processed blocks with the exterior skin removed, paste/concentrate and syrup. I’d imagine in looking at recipes that the smaller the volume of tamarind the more processed the tamarind product that was used. You have to be careful when using any kind of processed tamarind product as many contain sodium as a preservative.
The easiest way to use unprocessed tamarind is to soak it in hot water (some will boil it) so the fruit inside the pods will dissolve into the water and then you use the water. That is a lot easier than trying to remove the pod skin, seeds and veins or alternatively trying to remove the pod skin and then scrape off the fruit. For brewing that would make the easiest approach just removing the pod skin and chucking the whole thing in your mash and let it steep. You’ll lose some of the aromatics through the boil but tamarind is often used in food where it is cooked anyway so it might not be too damaging to the tamarind character.
Thank you guys , im from costa rica so will probably be using a tamarindo ball will keep you posted on the results .
This sounds fantastic. I am very interested to hear how it goes/went for you!