Tapatalk sucks now

I detest the in-line ads. This might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back and gets me to uninstall. Are there any other forum apps out there?

Tapatalk Pro is ad free and only $2.99

They have moved to a subscription model ($0.99/month for “VIP” status). No way am I going to pay a subscription fee for one forum that I am already frequenting less and less as of late. Even the $2.99 one-time is tough to justify for buggy software that has often pushed out bad updates several times in the past.

The ads shouldn’t be there for the AHA forum.

Trust us, they are there. In the market for a new high end sports car, just click on the link in between posts or at the top and bottom of each and every page. Having access on my phone has been nice, but the online version is easier to use and navigate. i agree that it is a small price to pay, but I also only use tapatalk for the AHA forum. Think I’ll just be spending more time on the forum online and really only use the app for posting pics. There was no warning either that I saw that this ad posting was coming, so it was a huge and disappointing realization to see all the ads, luckily I only clicked on one and immediately realized that it was just an ad. They look just like any other post, especially if you are just looking at unread posts. There are some odd ball topics and posts on this forum, and some of the ads blend in well despite their lack of cohesion with our common hobby. Disappointed Tapatalk user (former that is)

I switched to Tapatalk pro about a month ago and beat the ads you guys are talking about. It’s been seamless for me. I was on the fence about Tapatalk and the Pro version has me satisfied for the time being.

Derek, that’s cool if you read multiple forums and many have ads, but the AHA forum should be fee of ads.

Oh for sure. Like I said, I had already switched to Pro to get rid of ads on my other forums so I must have missed them on the AHA when they started.

Yeah, it should.  The AHA staff is at Homebrew Con this week, so they may not be able to look into it right away.  I’ll try to remember to mention it at our meeting on Wed.

Thanks, Denny!

As of right now, been on Tapatalk for like 5 minutes and have not seen an ad. Maybe it’s been taken care of already

Ads disappeared for me a few hours ago.

I don’t use the app, but this drives me nuts about websites.  Even what I would consider “legitimate” websites like ESPN and my local news.  Those “sponsored content” links that like exactly like the news stories and they have them like every third link.  It used to be just one at the very bottom that was easy to ignore, but now you have to scroll through 5 rows of “Local Banks hate him, what’s his secret!?” and “She walked into the room and you won’t believe what happened!!” before I can find the box score of a damn baseball game.  SO annoying. I know money talks, and that’s how they drive revenue, but damn.  Makes me pine for the old days of a banner ad at the top of a page and nothing else.

The AHA Forum should now be ad free on TapaTalk.  Please let us know if ads reappear.

I haven’t seen any ads. Thanks for taking care of that!