Temp control

Hey everybody,

I just started brewing with my Dad and we are trying to figure out how to get the temperature control stable enough for the Ale we are making, I was thinking about getting a mini fridge that you can hook up to temperature controller so I can set the ranges that way…anybody have any advice?

Thank you!! :slight_smile:

Sounds like your plan is perfect. There are many methods depending on the investment you want to make. I bought a chest freezer and use a temp controller. I also have lizard tape in there to control the heat needed. There are cheaper and more expensive methods but what you stated is a good plan.

I have an old fridge that I bought used for $25 ~30 yrs ago plugged into a temp controller. Works great.

I use an old kegerator plugged into an Inkbird.  Then I use a reptile heater also plugged into the Inkbird.  Keep in mind, if you use a fridge, you will need to - at the very least - turn the internal stat all the way down.  But, even doing so, the stat may still interfere with the operation of controller.  I disconnected the internal stat and jumped the connection.

Mechanical temperature control with a fridge/freezer connected to an external temperature control is the easiest way to consistently maintain temperatures for brewing. Some people are fortunate enough to have basement or garage spaces that maintain temperatures in a good range but if you aren’t so lucky then mechanical means is the next best option. Personally I’ve never had great success using the swamp cooler method or swapping out frozen bottles in a water bath.  The less than $100 I spent on a fridge and controller was well worth the money in terms of improving beer quality and peace of mind.