temp shock?

I just pitched a rehydrated pack of Safale04 into 5G sweet stout wort OG 1052 I want to ferment at 62F. My target pitch temp was 58-60. My SOP is to oxygenate for 2 minutes and pitch a few degrees below the target to account for a temp rise as the fermentation takes off. This process has always worked well.

Here’s tonight’s issue: I thought my wort was at 58 by the reading on the fermometer. After I pitched I temped it with my thermocoupler. The wort is 48F. Guess I ran my IC too long. Temp range on the packet says 59-75F. Did I just shock the yeast into submission, or will it be OK? I expect a longer lag time, but I am thinking (hoping) all is OK. Instead of putting it in the corner of the room that is 62F, I am leaving it by the furnace where ambient temp is more like 68. Hoping to get the temp up to 60 quicker. Thoughts?

My experience with S04 is that it’s pretty resilient. You’ll most likely be ok, but if you have some more on hand I’d pitch it now at a warmer temperature.

You prolly surprised the yeast a little but it should take hold as it warms up.  S-04 likes to ferment @62F or above (beer temp not ambient) from my experience.  YMMV…  Cheers!!!


Better too low than too high. Do you store your yeast in the fridge?  You’ll be fine.

everything is fine. 16 hours after pitch (probably much sooner) bubbling along nicely. I’ll likely open it later tonight to temp it because I am curious. I no longer trust fermometers. I’ve used them for so long, too. I feel cheated on… I guess they are better at taking ambient temp than wort temp. I knew that, but I never thought it could be off 10 degrees.