Thames Valley two

I recently went to my LHBS to get some WY 1272, my house yeast, but they were out. I wanted to get some fresh to add to a English Brown Ale that was pitched the day before. The thought was maybe the 1272 I had on hand was a little old even though I used a starter. Yes I know 1272 is American but I ferment warmer around 66*+ and get some English character. My question is, any idea WY 1882 Thames  two added to the mix will add? The ferment was at 66*. What yeast will dominate and does anyone have feedback on the WY 1882 ?  I know it was just released in Jan but anyone have any feedback?  Sounds like a great yeast for Bitters, Browns etc. .

Worked with it fairly exclusively all last spring for a variety of beers. I have fermented it all the way down to 60F for clean styles like Irish Red and upwards of 68-72 (finishing temp) for ESB’s. I even used it in a hefty RIS.
I found it to be one of the fastest fermenting strains I have ever used with most average gravity worts fermented fully in under 48 hrs.
Fermented between 66-70F yields light to moderate esters but still allows malt and hops to come through. A bit more malt emphasis then hops though. Fermented at 60F gave a very clean profile, almost like American Ale yeast with a touch more fruitiness. Not overly noticeable as an English strain at these lower temps.