Considering a new yeast choice-WLP023 Burton Ale or Wyeast 1275 Thames Valley. I have not used either yeast and looking for any thoughts about it in general and for a porter 1.65-70OG.
Man I used WY1275 once in a porter but it was quite a while ago. I remember getting a very mineral/chalky type flavor in the beer but at this point, I don’t know if it was related to the yeast or something else like water…
What kind of yeast flavors are you looking for and what kind of attenuation are you after? The English strains can vary in both of these categories and most people have polarizing opinions about each. If you are just looking for a lot of malt character but little to no esters then you may also want to look at one of the strains sold for Scottish ales or the European ale strains.
i have used london ale and irish ale. have not given denny’s favorite a try as of yet.
nothing specific im chasing, just exploring different strains in my porter to see the difference-one reason i was looking at burton/thames strain also.
I used Wyeast 1275 in a SMaSH English-style IPA last year, and I really liked the yeast. It had some nice esters that complimented the hop character. I was going to use it in the sweet stout I made recently, but my LHBS was out, so I used Wyeast 1099 Whitbred ale instead (tasting results pending). I think the 023/1275 is worth a try.
1450 is a clean American-type strain that attenuates really well, but leaves a malty mouthfeel. I used it on the American Brown I made in the fall. It brought 1.068 down to 1.010 ( Chico-like), but the mouthfeel was more like 1.012-1.014 to me. But I pitched @ 62, fermented @ 64F, so I can’t speak to the esters it might give off at warmer temps. Great yeast.
Brewing this weekend so pulled the trigger on London ale since it was in stock. Next round I will give 1450 a shot and see how i like it. Thanks for the feedback.
WLP037 (Yorkshire Square) is out right now. While I haven’t heard absolute confirmation that it’s the Sam Smith’s strain, it sure tastes like it to me. If you’re shooting for something like Taddy Porter, that would obviously be an excellent choice.