Was at my buddies the other day, setting up the brewery, when another showed up with his four wheeler. I dare every one of you here to tell me you don;t want one of these bad boys!!!
Once they were allowed in our hunting camp, perfectly able bodied men thought they had to drive over every sq. inch of the property. Ruined my enjoyment of the land and altered deer movement. If you’re that lazy, stay on the couch…
I am sorry, a vehicle is a vehicle…a Horse is a type of vehicle.My preferred
vehicle to keep, burns gasoline not hay…btw, here in bfe you prolly need some
type of off road transportation to effectively hunt. Out here there is nuthin but
miles and miles of miles and miles. And if you shoot an Elk, your gonna
want to pack it out on something besides your back pack.
Great ride weaz! Not the right tool for our volcanic landscape here though. The lava and cindery soil would eat those tracks up in no time. I have a Kawasaki Mule for getting to water wells on the slopes of one of our dormant volcanoes. I have to replace the tires three times a year. I had a Polaris. I like the Mule better.
Yeah, but a 4 wheeler is a vehicle that gives access to parts of the great outdoors to fat, lazy and often time stupid people who otherwise would not be out there. My property borders hundreds of thousands of acres of wilderness and I hate hearing those stupid things rumbling through the woods when I am out hiking. Also hate to see the amount of trash - mostly beer cans - that hitch a ride on 4 wheelers and are chucked aside by jack asses.
I live in BFE, so I can understand your point of you. What I can’t understand is how in the world most of these hunters managed to get their fat asses to their tree stand before the advent of 4 wheelers. And I confesss I am shocked that people didn’t hunt elk before 4 wheelers were invented.
Hey, I mean no offense to you people who ride them. I hate what you ride and “how you roll” - not you personally.
Yeah, I’m with you on the crazies, but when you work out there, you can’t always afford to fly in.
About 50% of the island I live on is inaccessible except on foot or by air. I spend a lot of time out there enjoying the quiet (and cursing at the occasional helicopter).
About 30% is only accessible by air.
Hawaii Island is the same size as the State of Connecticut.
You are so right keith, there are a few who ruin it for the many…I usually pack out some type of garbage when I
venture out to the field.
Works for me, we can agree to disagree. However as I get longer in the tooth, I wish I did not have to hire a pack train
of horses to legally get me back up to the land of the golden trout. I love me some wilderness as much as the next fat ass. :