To rack to secondary or leave it alone

So I have a 2.5 gallon batch of a “light” ale going.  OG was 1.048.  Assuming the fermentation is complete, should I rack to a secondary?  The reason I ask is because I pitched a whole vial of White Labs American Ale blend, so there’s a lot of krausen and a nice yeast cake.  I usually just go right to bottle, but would the secondary be beneficial in this case?

Secondary’s not really gonna buy you anything.  Just make sure you give it plenty of time - plenty as in way more than when you “assume fermentation is done” :slight_smile:

And then immediately use that yeast cake to make a 5 gallon batch of something tasty!

The only time I ever rack to secondary is if I’m gonna be conditioning with something. E.g., I’ve got a 1-gallon test batch of chocolate chipotle stout that I racked to secondary, only because I was adding ingredients.

Yea ok, I’ll just let it stay.  I was thinking of using the yeast cake for the next version of this beer which will be more inline with the Pale Ale requirements.