Toronto - "Are You An SOB?" (Southern Ontario Brewers)

Our Group has its internet home for now on Facebook…

Our upcoming event…
November 7th is “Teach a Friend to Homebrew Day”.

The SOBs are planning a public Big Brew at the Amsterdam Brewing Company in downtown Toronto.

We have space for about 16 “Are you an SOB?” homebrewers, and have now determined who will be brewing that day. We’re hoping that everyone else will come out, not only to meet each other, but maybe “brew-bitch”, and also to educate the public about our hobby.

The Amsterdam Brewery will also be open, with public tours of the brewery, and Amsterdam beers will be available to sample. Better yet, buy a case to take home!

Other items available for purchase include “Are You an SOB?” T-shirts, items from Craft brewers Recycled Art Project, and brewing kits and other supplies from

Amsterdam Brewing
Weyermann Specialty Malts
Gilbertson & Page
Amara Studios Photography
American Homebrewers Association (AHA)
CRAP - Craft brewers Re-cycled Art Project

P.S. Amsterdam Brewmaster Jamie Mistry has written a recipe for home-brewing “Amsterdam Nut Brown”… See Roger Beal’s brew set-up for the recipe. Look for a clone contest in the next couple of months!

Here is the url for the event

George, you are every where.


Be sure to post a Club Profile on the new Club Resources site: [u]Site Not Found

At the top of the Club Profile page you can click on the ON link under Canada to jump down.  Check out other club profiles to see the format and follow the instructions for posting your club’s profile.


Nice article about us in today’s newspaper…

Check out our image gallery from TAFTH!

I am an SOB.  My club, IAMNSOB (Iowa/Minnesota Society of Brewers) just celebrated it’s first anniversary.  It seems that we could create some sort of international collaboration!  We are located at   and  We are few in number but large in enthusiasm.  SOB’s unite!!

Ha! We’ll have to plan a group brew day… but where would we meet?

Planning on coming to NHC 2010?  About 100 miles from here. Could I buy one of those t-shirts?  Ours are still in the planning stage but will say “Wanna be an SOB?”  I think it would be fun to trade beers and just know we have some friends in the real Great White North.


If you’re not busy on April 22nd, make sure you come to the Granite Brewery (in Toronto) to learn about the SOBs new contest.

SOB Competitions Director and BJCP judge Roger Beal and I are still working out the contest details, but we wanted to get the invite out to ensure a good crowd… (to repeat, there will be no details on the contest until April 22)

to get on the list visit
see “Up Coming Events”

Check out the poster
