Hello all, new to homebrewing. Based on an over estimate when doing my sparging, i now have about 3/4 of an extra gallon of wort at about 1.050 OG. Can i use this to make starters if i freeze/refrigerate it. After doing some reading everywhere else has you use DME to make the wort for a starter. Just wondering if i can use my extra wort, i feel bad just dumping it out.
Yup, that’s by far the cheapest way to make starters. Just freeze it and then boil when you need to make the starter. You’ll probably want to dilute it down to ~1.035 too.
That’s what I do. Luckily I have access to an aoutoclave. If I have a bunch of extra, I just put it in a ziploc bag and freeze it. Then when I need it, I thaw, and then autoclave.