Vacuum Packer

When I get 1 lb. packs of hops, I use an old small Food Saver, but lately it takes a long time to cycle, so I’m about ready to replace it, and wonder which model is recommended.  Thanks,

I have had this model for about a year. I break my hops down to 4oz bags when they come in and have sealed ~20 bags in a sitting without issue.

FoodSaver V2244 Vacuum Sealing System

Thanks, Steve.  That looks like a more recent black model of my old white one.  I’m thinking of maybe moving up some.  That one is about $80, and they have a “bigger, better” ones for $110 to $200.  I wonder if they are faster, and make a better seal.  About 1 out of 10 bags leak in the freezer, not good for hops.

Haven’t had mine leak from the seal. I have had pinholes in the bags, but I think that has more to do with me being rough while digging through them.

Can always put a second seal a 1/2" up from the first seal.

I picked up a food saver at Costco for $50 bucks. Works great for hops, grains and deer meat. Can’t complain.

I’ve got the same one and I’ve been happy with it.

Nice. Every time I checked Costco all they had were the larger units with the extra bags for $160-200.

I have a lower end white one (not sure of the model number) but the bags will lose their seal from time to time.  I’ve started using mason jars and the jar accessory recently.  I have not had a seal come lose on a jar yet…some of the lids actually take some serious prying to get off.  The smaller pint jars hold about 8 oz of pellet hops.


Bought it for hops, use it for tons of stuff now.

I’ve got a white foodsaver that looks to be roughly the same size.  It doesn’t lock on the side, you just push down on the top and then press a release button once it seals.

I’ve never had an issue with it.  I break my hops down into 2 or 3 oz bags usually.

It seals well, works well, and was a gift so I have no idea what it cost.

I’ve got some rolls of bags that are too wide for it, but those can be cut down and made to work so that’s not really an issue either.

Same here.  I bet hops are no more than 15% of the total use of it for me.

With all the o2 taken out of the jar do you still need to refrigerate the hops? When I vacuum seal coffee beans I  store it in a cabinet and I’ve never had a problem with freshness, just curious.

According to Bamforth, from a podcast, cold is more important than lack of o2. Guessing it was a brew strong episode, I know he has done a couple.

I have the older white one for a long time and it works well. dry stuff like hops are easy but wet stuff like blanched green beans needs to be pre frozen. I’ve gotten a lot of use between hops and freezing veggies from the garden.

I’m not sure…I just keep them in the freezer anyways.

I use a FoodSaver V2244 to repackage/reseal hops. I have found that the FoodSaver bag material leaves a lot to be desired.  I have yet to have a sealed bag lose vacuum when I use the vacuum sealing plastic that Johnson and Johnson manufactures (Ziploc brand).  I use the 8" roll when breaking down hops.  I pretty much only use whole hops.

Try taking the foam rubber seals out, clean them up, reinstall with the unsed edge up. Might work