… looks to me like the large container is the size of a loaf of bread, and the small container is the size of a sandwich.
This seems to be a next evolutionary step technology. I’ve used those “Seal-A-Meal” whatsits with the hot wire and bags and the sucker things that try to vacuum out your Tupperware, and they’re rather… irritating. This is going, “That’s a good idea. How about doing it not-stupid?”
Risk of first generation tech being crappy is kind of high here. Failing seals and electronics are common in primary runs. On the other hand, these folks appear German; German engineering I trust. Besides, this looks like something I want to encourage.
Guess I’ll bite. Fresh-made sandwiches are good, but not so good 5 hours later when you fetch them from the office refrigerator. This interests me.
Looks like… it’s not much different! Different form factor (the FoodSaver looks like a traditional vacuum bag style with a hose; this is more a canister with an integrated vacuum, with a hose to vacuum other canisters), but in the end the FoodSaver lets you hook up a hose to a canister and vacuum it out.
The major difference is the canister form factor. Which is really no difference at all; sure one’s round and one’s square, but the fact is “there’s canisters, they may or may not be in a shape you like, otherwise these are the same thing.”
To be fair, I honestly thought this was the state of the art:
My goals are more “I just baked 2 loaves of bread… which are going to go bad before I even get 1/4 through one of them” or “I have to make sandwiches for lunch for the week.” A week’s worth of sandwiches might be doable in bags (I’m partial to sandwich-shaped tupperware though), but being in and out of the bread container constantly is going to change things a bit.
Long-term storage is attractive, though… no bags huh? The FoodSaver might be better for saving up vegetable ends and chicken carcasses for stock. Can’t shove a chicken carcass in a bread box, and bags of vegetable parts will fit better in the freezer. That’s a big use case for me too.
My hop direct pounds of hops go into wide mouth quart jars…get vac packed then placed
into the freezer…so very little oxygen and no light gets to em…then when I need fresh hops,
out comes the jar…use what I need and vac it down again …back into storage. worx wonderful.