Vitners Harvest Purees

To anyone who has used these pureees in secondary before, how long did it take to ferment out?

I’ve used them before in secondary. I gave them 2 weeks and was at FG by that time.

same here…10+ days, however I wasn’t checking all the time so could have been done earlier I suppose.

Has anybody used their mango purée? It’s the only reasonably priced mango purée that I can find. I’ll deal with whole fruit, but I’d rather not lol.

I normally go 10 days on fruit puree temp controlled, starting about a week into the primary ferment.  I recently used a can of the Vintners Harvest raspberry puree for 5 gals of my 10-gal batch of oatmeal robust porter, and it was done after probably 5-6 days.

I go to costco, buy the frozen mangos and make my own puree in a food processor. Cheap. Easy and tastes great.

Thanks, Keith… How many Mangos do you use in a batch. I was planning maybe 7.5lbs. I’m going to make a habanero/mango pale ale.

I used 4 pounds in a 5 gallon batch in secondary and it had plenty of mango flavor. Tasted great. First time I did it with a citra pale ale, right now I have 4 lbs aging in a 5 gallon carboy of tripel.

General rule has always been 1-2 pounds of fruit per gallon but I sometimes find that 1 pound per gallon can actually be too much depending on what you are going for. I prefer subtlety.

Hi Keith, I’m curious - do you first pasteurize the homemade Costco puree before adding it to secondary, such as stovetop @ 150F for 20 min, cool and then add?  I’d have to double check the temperature I use but that is my normal procedure when using homemade puree.

That sounds good. I’ve used fruit before, but not mango. I wasn’t sure if it would end up being mellow or not. I’ll be using a pile of Citra in this beer as well. I don’t want too much either, but I certainly want enough in there to accent the habanero.

Do you think there is any additional fruit flavor extracted for a letting the beer sit on the fruit puree after it is done fermenting?

[quote=“troybinso, post:11, topic:22263, username:troybinso”]

Do you think there is any additional fruit flavor extracted for a letting the beer sit on the fruit puree after it is done fermenting?

Yes, to a point, which some in the know put at about 10 or maybe up to 14 days total on the fruit.  Otherwise there is a potential for sliminess and/or contamination/off flavors.

YMMV depending on the fruit and its origin.

edit: personally, I recommend pasteurizing fruit puree used if it doesn’t come that way.