We need your brew dog photos!

Hi all,

The September/October issue of Zymurgy will have an article on Brew Dogs and we’re planning to use some reader-submitted photos to go along with it. Do you have a four-legged, tail-wagging brewing assistant? If so, send a photo of your brew dog in action for possible inclusion to zymurgy@brewersassociation.org. Images should be in jpeg format, at least 3" x 5", and high resolution (at least 300 dpi). The size of the photo should not exceed 4MB. Please include your name, city/state, and the name of your canine companion(s). The deadline to send photos is June 20.

Thanks in advance!

Jill Redding
Editor-in-Chief, Zymurgy

No love for brew kitties, eh?  :smiley:

-Sent from the future.

… and its stories like this that make me question why I still subscribe…

They taste like Simcoe.

If that was the only story, I might agree with you.  But there is a lot of other content in there, too.  Besides, you don’t just subscribe to the mag.  It’s a benefit you get from supporting the organization and its efforts.

Bwah wahhhh… :wink:

Hehe love Debbie Downer!

-Sent from the future.

Evidentally someone who has never had a relaxful day of brewing with their best brew-buddy helping.


-Sent from the future.

My dogs hang out with me on brew day all the time. The dont help with a damn thing but its nice to have them there! :slight_smile:

my dog starts out hanging with me, then he gives me a look like “is this it?” and asks to go inside  ::slight_smile:

The neighbors cat on the other hand watches the boil for me.

Haha, so true! My dog is in it while I am mashing in, at which point he goes crazy! After that it is pretty much nap time or bone chewing for my little English Bulldog :slight_smile:

my dogs know that magic happens in the kitchen.  especially when they see the egg carton come out, they know that ham, cheese and all the wonders of the universe are about to appear

When I brew in the backyard, my (indoor only) cat will get to the windowsill nearest the kettle and stare at me. My girlfriend’s cat gets to the next best viewpoint and cries for me to come inside. It’s pretty funny.

My little buddy Maximus Lincoln loves to hang out and nap nearby while I’m brewing hoping to snag some grain or a drop of wort.  He’s also the reason I don’t need a drip tray on the kegerator.

you gotta watch that, hops and dogs don’t mix. There are some dogs that will have a very nasty reaction to hops, Hyperthermia if I a) recall correctly and b) was correctly informed.

However I beleive it’s like chocolate and dogs, some dogs are okay others not so much.

But, hops and dogs are two of my favorite things!
Seriously though, he doesn’t go for whole hops or pellets.  He’s more of a grain dog. I don’t let him have it but man does he get excited when the mill comes out. Before I was aware of his affinity for grain I left a bucket of freshly milled grist down on his level, when I returned to the garage I found him ears deep just going for it. When he looked up he looked like Al Pacino on a bender.  As for beer he only gets a couple drips from the tap a time so his dosage is miniscule but he’s right there every time. He’ll even get up from a nap if he thinks I’m heading for the garage.

I think the bigger concern is with spent hops left lying around.

I’m betting you don’t.

Dogs, I like em better than people. Here’s my primary brewdog… the other two like to hang with the missus.

Uhh… whatcha doing?


Mmm… this skimmed scum looks tasty


Passed Out Pup is Passed Out (FWIW, this may be the cutest photo I’ve ever taken)
