i’m brewing a couple beers for my belated 40th birthday party (sometime in august). i’m not big on wheat beers, but my buddy had some of a wheat beer kit he wasn’t using, so i grabbed it from him and i modified it to make it a pale wheat ale. here goes…
1 oz kent goldings @ 60
.5 oz simcoe @ 60
.25 oz hallertauer @ 60
.5 oz kent goldings @ 20
.25 oz hallerauer @ 20
.5 oz simcoe @ 20
.5 oz simcoe @ 0
.5 oz kent goldings @ 0
.5 oz hallertauer @ 0
white labs american hefeweizen yeast (w/ 1500 ml starter) wlp320
The wheat extract is a blend of 40% wheat malt and 60% 2-row barley.
The Munich extract is a blend of 40% Munich malt and 60% 2-row.
1.068 OG
51 IBU
this is going to be my “light” beer.
my other beer is going to be a double ipa brewed with maris otter and belgian pale as the base malts and ringwood ale or american ale II yeast, but i haven’t worked out specifics on that one yet. it’s going to be all grain.
From the BJCP Style Guidelines:
American Pale Ale Vital Statistics: OG: 1.045 – 1.060, IBUs: 30 – 45, FG: 1.010 – 1.015, SRM: 5 – 14, ABV: 4.5 – 6.2%.
American Wheat Beer Vital Statistics: OG: 1.040 – 1.055, IBUs: 15 – 30, FG: 1.008 – 1.013, SRM: 3 – 6, ABV: 4 – 5.5%
Your Pale Wheat Ale estimates: OG: 1.069, IBUs: 51.
You’re already a little higher than the pale ale style guidelines for both OG and IBU’s but the ratio seems the same.
It’s almost an Imperial Pale Wheat Ale. ( ;)you’ve made a new style, perhaps?)
I’d stay closer to what you already have (i.e., I would not bump up to 70 IBUs). It looks like a delicious recipe.
I think its pretty silly to throw in the style guidelines on a 1.070 “wheat beer” with American, German and English hops. ;) 51 BUs is probably a good balance between what you had and what I was suggesting. I make a hoppy wheat beer that is more like a pale ale with an equally matched OG to BU ratio, which is what I was thinking. Then again - I don’t think a 1.070 beer with 70 BUs is very bitter. To me thats balanced. YMMV. 8)
What you have now looks about perfect to me. When’s the party? ;D
brewed this today while listening to zappa’s wazoo. so i’m calling it my “not so pale wazoo wheat”… that munich malt (?) made this look more like a weizen (aren’t those darker?) than a wheat. i added a couple ten minute hop additions that added a couple ibu. pre-boil volume was 7 gallons and i only boiled down to about 5.3 (or so) gallons, so i guess i’ll have to bottle a few before i keg it. i’m only using a 6 gallon better bottle with a 1.5L starter, so there’s not much room. i do have a blow off tube though. hoping this american hefe yeast lives up to the reviews on the white labs page.