what do you think of my american pale wheat ale recipe?

i’m brewing a couple beers for my belated 40th birthday party (sometime in august).  i’m not big on wheat beers, but my buddy had some of a wheat beer kit he wasn’t using, so i grabbed it from him and i modified it to make it a pale wheat ale.  here goes…

i’ll be doing a full boil.

7 lbs wheat lme
.5 lbs munich lme
2 lbs extra light dme

1 oz kent goldings @ 60
.5 oz simcoe @ 60
.25 oz hallertauer @ 60

.5 oz kent goldings @ 20
.25 oz hallerauer @ 20
.5 oz simcoe @ 20

.5 oz simcoe @ 0
.5 oz kent goldings @ 0
.5 oz hallertauer @ 0

white labs american hefeweizen yeast (w/ 1500 ml starter) wlp320

The wheat extract is a blend of 40% wheat malt and 60% 2-row barley.

The Munich extract is a blend of 40% Munich malt and 60% 2-row.

1.068 OG
51 IBU

this is going to be my “light” beer.

my other beer is going to be a double ipa brewed with maris otter and belgian pale as the base malts and ringwood ale or american ale II yeast, but i haven’t worked out specifics on that one yet.  it’s going to be all grain.

thanks in advance.

I think it looks pretty tasty, myself. Personally, I’d rather get the OG/BU ratio closer (get the BUs up around 70) but that’s just me.

so you think i could pull off more hops in the beer without it being to bitter?

how does the revision look?

From the BJCP Style Guidelines:
American Pale Ale Vital Statistics: OG: 1.045 – 1.060, IBUs: 30 – 45, FG: 1.010 – 1.015, SRM: 5 – 14, ABV: 4.5 – 6.2%.
American Wheat Beer Vital Statistics: OG: 1.040 – 1.055, IBUs: 15 – 30, FG: 1.008 – 1.013, SRM: 3 – 6, ABV: 4 – 5.5%

Your Pale Wheat Ale estimates: OG:  1.069, IBUs: 51.

You’re already a little higher than the pale ale style guidelines for both OG and IBU’s but the ratio seems the same. 
It’s almost an Imperial Pale Wheat Ale.  ( ;)you’ve made a new style, perhaps?)

I’d stay closer to what you already have (i.e., I would not bump up to 70 IBUs).  It looks like a delicious recipe.


my other is going to be a hop monster, so this one i’ll probably leave where it is now.

I think its pretty silly to throw in the style guidelines on a 1.070 “wheat beer” with American, German and English hops.  ;) 51 BUs is probably a good balance between what you had and what I was suggesting. I make a hoppy wheat beer that is more like a pale ale with an equally matched OG to BU ratio, which is what I was thinking. Then again - I don’t think a 1.070 beer with 70 BUs is very bitter. To me thats balanced. YMMV.  8)

What you have now looks about perfect to me. When’s the party?  ;D

yeah, it’s totally not within any particular style.  i’m just hoping for tasty and drinkable.  the party is sometime in august.

brewed this today while listening to zappa’s wazoo.  so i’m calling it my “not so pale wazoo wheat”…  that munich malt (?) made this look more like a weizen (aren’t those darker?) than a wheat.  i added a couple ten minute hop additions that added a couple ibu.  pre-boil volume was 7 gallons and i only boiled down to about 5.3 (or so) gallons, so i guess i’ll have to bottle a few before i keg it.  i’m only using a 6 gallon better bottle with a 1.5L starter, so there’s not much room.  i do have a blow off tube though.  hoping this american hefe yeast lives up to the reviews on the white labs page.

Weizen just mean “wheat” in Germany. Perhaps you mean “Dunkleweizen” … Dunkle meaning dark.

there you go.  dunkleweisen.  that’s what it looks like.