What's Brewing This Weekend - 1/11 Edition

New year - new beer. Spill it!

maybe kegging some porter (beer #1 for NHC) and getting a starter going for next weekends (my birthday) kolsch (beer #2 for NHC).

other than that, QC on beers #'s 3, 4, 5, 6 and perhaps mead #1 for NHC.

I really hope I can get tickets! and if I get tickets I really hope some of these brews advance. I’m sure it’ll be fun anyway though.

an imperial ipa on Friday. first attempt.

Magnum/Chinook/Amarillo/Cascade AIPA and my first Barleywine!


Imperial IPA.  This time I’m using less Crystal and Citra hops for flavor.

Vienna lager with hockhurz step mash on Saturday - 2nd stage of 833 starter blown off

Kegging a cream ale and waiting on a Dortmunder Export.

I’m brewing another iteration of SN Celebration inspired IPA and kegging a Belgian strong dark.

Doing some small batch experimentation with wine yeasts and brettanomyces.

Hmm this sounds good. Let us know how it turned out, and did you use any adjuncts in the cream?

I am brewing a German Hefe with the super fresh yeast I bought from the white labs tasting room. And kegging a SMASH pale ale with mosaic hops.

Used 5% flaked corn and 5% flaked rice. Having done a vigorous 90 minute boil I was really surprised by a huge corn aroma after 5 days of fermentation.  I suspect the big pitch of yeast I used from a friends IPA was rather spent. So, I pitched some Safale-05, warmed it up to 68 and hoped for the best.  It’s now down to 1.009 and crashing, the corn aroma is diminished but I think it’s going to need some time and bit of CO2 scrubbing to really clean it up.  I’m staying optimistic.

Brewed a " Düsseldorf IPA" last night - a hoppy Stickebier with Herkules, Smaragd, and Polaris hops. Got to try out my new grain mill too :slight_smile:

I’ve got a Belgian Blond on deck for Saturday. It’s suppose to be in the mid 50’s. I’m ready!

No brewing. Taking the BJCP Tasting Exam in Charlotte, NC. Fingers crossed…

Good luck!

Nothing this weekend…the German Pilsner still chugging away.  I really hate only having room for one fermenter.

Brewing a Sam Adams Clone on Sunday. It’s my Dad favorite beer so I would like to get it some close. He only drinks that or pasifico so…

so are you going to go over to someone else’s house and brew it on their system to be authentic?

(sorry I couldn’t resist, and yes, i know they do own some facilities now…)

Good luck on the test Michael.

No brewing, just cleaning and organizing the shop/brewery.

i’m brewing a dipa to put on the yeast cake from the ipa i brewed new years day.

Nothing this weekend.  Brewed a German Pils and a Saison last weekend showing a potential new homebrewer the ropes.