What's Brewing This Weekend - 12/17 Edition

Ok, so I write creative stories… no one notices. Sigh

Sad Panda.

On a lighter note, I might actually get a chance to brew this weekend! The only problem is what to brew! Maybe I can throw my persimmons into something.

How about you guys?


Killed a keg of pale this week - gonna have to refill it.

No brewing this weekend.

Making cookies and working on the utility tub in the brewery.

I haven’t brewed anything since before Halloween!  I’m seriously going through withdrawl.  That being said, my fiance will be out friday night with one of her bridesmaids, so I will be home brewing up a batch of Amber Ale.  Amber Ale was my first brew, and I really liked it.  This time I am changing up the recipe to be more on the malty side and using different hops.  I’m also going to try a few new/different techniques rather than just throw everything in and boil away like i did on the very first batch.

I think it will be a belgian…I just can’t decide if I should make it hoppy or not :-\

Just got 9 pounds of hops this week. Gotta be a double IPA!

Belgian Dubbel!

Bottling up the mocha porter this weekend and maybe getting starters going for the split batch of CAP on the Monday after new years.  I was going to wait a little longer on those but one of my yeast packs showed up a bit slushy today due to the freezing cold weather and I may get that one going a little early to make sure it’s okay and build it up a little.

Nothing at all.  I might get some time to do some cleaning.

Nothing this weekend.  The Doppelbock/Bock Partigyle from last weekend is fermenting right now @ 50F. It was a long brew day between the Partigyle, modified double decoction, long boils & etc…  13 hours start to finish. The Doppelbock OG was 1.100 and the Bock was 1.076. The grain bill totaled 33 lbs. for two five gallon batches. Every once in a while I get a wild hair…  This one really kicked my tail. Cheers!!!

holy crap - helluva brewday!  nice job.

Probably not going o brew anything, but I’m going to stock up on brewing supplies and probably keg my Helles lager.

No brewing.  Stone work on my fireplace.  Three Christmas parties.  Finish Christmas shopping.

I have many options. WB-06, Nottingham, WLP002 and WLP029. Amber and Dark DME. Grain and specialty grain. Also have a metric buttload of various hops in the freezer.

I want to do a nice quick Bitter with Magnum & Fuggles.

Thanks Paul.  The wort smelled & tasted like nothing I’ve ever made, in a good way. Boiling 2 gallons down to 2 quarts & adding a quart to each made a huge difference as well. Down side is the Doppelbock probably won’t be ready until Christmas 2011. This one will definitely get bottled…  Cheers!!!

Don’t think I’m brewing.  Plan to keg an Imperial stout and a IIPA.  Gotta have something on tap for the long haul (winter months, that is).

Brewing a coffee stout on Saturday.  Just hoping for warmer weather.

I “brewed” last night (extract ale bock) so i will be counting airlock bubbles this weekend  :smiley:

I’m putting together a Christmas cream soda based on Sean Paxton’s recipe at http://www.homebrewchef.com/recipes.html. I’m adding some fresh clementine rind and not using the chai tea.