Cmon… spill it… what’s on the schedule?
Just brewed the Red Velvet. Color is already awesome. Can’t wait to taste.
This weekend is a barley wine to mark my son’s birth! I don’t think I’ll plan on trying to keep any of the bottles for 21 years but I am thinking about doing a Barleywine or Mead each year to mark the occasion. Perhaps some of the meads I’ll try and keep for his 21st.
Pliny clone (hopefully) and anxiously awaiting the delivery of a fermentation freezer and temp regulator on Saturday.
Depends on whether I have free fermenters, which rather depends on the progress of my saison, but I have an orval clone in the queue…
I need to keg two fermenters to free the fermenteezer up. And not in the mood to brew. Well, that might change by Sunday. 8) If so it’ll be a kolsch.
Got a really early start today to squeeze in a batch of Pacific Jade Saison. The mash has 30 minutes left. I’m hoping to wrap up by 9am.
I’m going to be pressing a batch of pinot noir in the next few days, it was made from frozen must that came from Underwood Mountain in Washington state. I also need to brew a batch of best bitter.
American amber with homegrown cascade hops to christen the new brew system.
I’m making a minor modification to my Brewstand. I’m also making a starter for my Weissbier that I’m brewing next weekend. Also some brewery organization. No brewing.
ever take a gravity reading of a beer and say to yourself - “Man, I wish this was cold, cleared and carbed RIGHT NOW” - I had one of those moments last night.
to my chagrin, it must wait another week in the primary with some columbus dryhops being added tonight, until next friday when I finally get to brew my oktoberfest, which probably won’t be tapped until Thanksgiving…
need to calibrate my new Milwaukee in preparation as well.
I’m gonna do an ipa with falconers flight and it will be the highest gravity beer I’ve attempted.
go ahead and keep a few. I brewed a BW for my sons birth and fully intend to share a bottle with him. maybe not 21 but, as long as he’s not driving it’s not illegal to drink at 16 (contrats by the way)
No brewing for me this weekend, heading back east to VT for a couple of weeks and I hope to sample some new nano’s while there though
I’m gonna be making the Honey Bee Ale kit from Midwest. Only my second batch, but the first one turned out well so I’m optimistic!
A Raspberry Wheat for my buddies retirement next month… ;D
Phew . . I had read it twice to make sure it wasn’t a reference to OLD Milwaukee!
Be growing starters of 3787 this weekend to brew Hieronymus’ Patersbier next weekend of which I will take the cake and brew my Tripel.
Nothing, gotta work. Have to earn money to buy barley and hops some how!
Making a no boil Berliner Weiss. Better late than never if I want to drink it during the summer!
I got inspired and brewed my best bitter tonight. I added a little amber Belgian syrup for fun.
Scheduled? I’m working on my defense all weekend of course. :-\
It’s slowly but surely coming together, got my paperwork together as far as I know . . . not long now. ;D