I’m back and I’m bad and I’m ready to run…
Gotta finish transferring my Saisons around and possibly brew the 30 year beer.
I’m back and I’m bad and I’m ready to run…
Gotta finish transferring my Saisons around and possibly brew the 30 year beer.
Northern English Brown on Sunday
12gal of helles for my FIL.
I’m going to try to do 10 gallons of Russian Imperial Stout or Belgian Dark Strong, 5 for me and 5 to go into a club barrel (2 different clubs, 2 different barrels). I’m not sure I’ll have the time to brew though.
Nada. Lots of tasting this week/weekend with GABF and other related events all over Denver.
Might bottle an APA and saison if I get to it.
Brewing a German Hefe ‘ersatz-Franzi clone’ on Sunday to have ready for a party October 16th. First brewed it last year using WY3333 German yeast and a single infusion mash. It was good, but not what I’d hoped for. This time I’m using Wyeast 3638 Bavarian Hefe yeast and will do a ferulic acid rest at 110oF. I plan to start fermentation at 62oF and let it rise on it’s own to ~68oF. Biggest change of all - I’m trying an open fermentation in a plastic bucket to top crop the yeast - never done one before. Yowzaa! :o
Toasted Oatmeal Stout. I’ll be serving it on beergas next month when I finish building my chest freezer kegerator. I’m picking up the freezer and most of the parts this weekend 8).
Nuthin’ . . at Hilton Head Island for the balance of the week to decompress.
Czechvar if my yeast grows enough…
Pumpkin ale which I never got around to last weekend. cowers don’t hurt me! Need to have it ready by Halloween for a party.
Double Chocolate Stout
My daughter always says she NEEDS chocolate. Not sure this is what she means but sounded good to me
it may be late in the season, but i’ve been eager to take my hand at a black IPA or a CDA or something along those lines.
Nothing. BJCP Exam on Saturday. :-X
Nothing for me this weekend. Feeling lazy and still waiting for the weather to cool down a bit. Kegging my DIS and hooking it up to the Nitro.
DIPA on Sunday. I gave the missus a taste of a commercial DIPA last weekend and she demanded that I brew one for. She’s a keeper
Just bottle-cleaning and “research.”
Southern English Brown tonight.
Apple pressing all day tomorrow at the community orchard, which will result in the start of a large volume of English Cider and a smallish quantity of cyser.
Lambic on Sunday.
Racking an IPA and brewing a Dubbel.
Good luck man!!! Cheers!!!
…I’m kind of tired of this new style, already… and I haven’t even brewed OR had one since those articles in byo/zymurgy!
Plus… I’d take a heavily dry-hopped Am. Stout over a black ipa any day
Spiced Old Ale for Christmas presents this weekend… yeah i know, I’m a bit late… they may have to be next year’s christmas presents!