What's on tap for the Super Bowl?

Work has had me jammed up pretty good the last 6 months.  I’ve watched yeast sit in the fridge well past expiration dates.  But right now the kids are asleep in their beds, presents are under the tree and I have a week off work.  Fresh grain, hops and yeast are waiting for me in the basement.  I’m thinking two double brew days are in order this week, and purchased recipe supplies that I think will pair well with Super Bowl foods (hot wings, ribs, etc). 
My 4 tap lineup will be: Bitter, Porter, American Wheat and Cream Ale. 
What do you have planned?

Do you mean besides drinking at your place JT?

I have a backlog of a few kegs that have been waiting for my kegerator to come in. I’m hoping to have everything set up in the next couple of weeks, which will leave me with this projected lineup:


With a backup of an English IPA if anything kicks before then.

I’m brewing a double batch of Dunkel (Barke malts) tomorrow for comparison - one traditional, one lodo with my new SS chiller and spunding valve. Given 5 weeks roughly, those will be ready for Super Bowl. Also being on vacation (!) I’m gonna do a Galaxy/Citra/Cleopatra IPA later in the week. I’m also excited to do it lodo because I really like what it did for the hop character and longevity in my APA. Past that I have some blended strain saison in bottles, and few good bottles of single malt and bourbon to work in to the mix. Could be worse.

I have a Stout and a Citra Pale Ale planned.


Sounds like a tasty combo

Man a dunkel sounds great!

Nice! Good luck with the kegerator.

The usual plan involves breaking out a lot of bottles from the cellar. I have a couple gallons of a 3.5 year old RIS I’ll probably break out.

The past 8-9 years I have skipped watching the day long commercial that is the super bowl. If we’re up for it we have found it a great night to go out to eat at our favorite restaurants that are normally crowded and noisy. No traffic either.

I brewed a Northern German Pils for this year’s SB LI - I annually commit to bring 2 kegs of a typical lager and a few growlers of different sorts of ales for the discerning few.  It is well received, generally.  I am so happily surprised to hear those who were initially afraid to abandon their BMC, but now coax the nerw, uninitiated guests with a comment like “you know me, I don’t like anything but (insert your Macro of Choice), but this guy’s beers are better than any commercial beers I have ever had.”  Usually it only takes one party of mostly BMC drinkers to convert a majority to homebrews at all subsequent gatherings (I now get asked by hosts to bring homebrew - and they try to get me to take leftover macros home with me - which I graciously decline).

That’s awesome!  What homebrewer doesn’t live to see guests enjoy their beers and even prefer them over commercial brews?  The only thing better is watching friends convert other friends by bragging about your beers.  Well done!

Also, a Northern German Pils sounds great.  I need to sneak one in somewhere on my calendar…

If the Super Bowl ends up being the Patriots vs. the Cowboys, I will take my wife to a foreign film instead, and drink white Zinfandel.  :frowning:

Yeah, I think I’m with you. Anything but that Super Bowl pairing would be a step up IMO.

Agree.  I’m perfectly content grilling, frying and consuming copious amounts of home brew that day instead of paying much attention to the game - but Patriots vs. Cowboys would stiil just suck a big portion of fun out of it.

LOL…That’s similar to what I’ve done for EVERY SuprBowl (except for the White Zin…Malbec does it for me). 8)

Hoping for a Kazbek Belgian Pale, straight up Dunkelweizen, Citra Idaho7 Galaxy IIPA, Baltic Porter, and an Idaho7 Cream Ale.

Now I need to get my Belgian pale under control, this doughy disappointment aint gunna cut it.  Gunna try another mini batch to get the recipe right.

It’s getting to the point where I only follow the NFL because of the fantasy league at work.

The NFL is getting too full of itself, and I’m sick of all the ads. Haven’t watched a game all year, and I’ll only watch the superbowl if Flaky Flacco pulls off a miracle and the Ravens somehow make it.

That would be a miracle… The great Flake-co would need more than deflate gate to get to the ship.