Where are the experts?

OK, I linked my AHA membership to this forum… now looking for “Ask the experts” Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Main Page, under Let’s Brew…last item


Yes that tells you about it and how to link your account. I am linked, but where are the questions and answers posted?

Follow this, you have to be logged in, or log in when you click on the “right here” link.

OK found it, in the general section. Thanks.

Whew! I’m glad your question was actually about “Ask The Experts”…I read you post’s title and thought you were asking where are the experts on this forum…which would have required a delicate answer suach as “we have two kinds of experts here…those who know they aren’t but strive to be, and those that aren’t but think they are.”

Despite my best efforts, I sometimes fall into the later category…

I am an expert smart ass.

Either you’re an expert smart ass, or you meant to say, “I am an expert, smart ass.”  I assume either would apply.  :slight_smile:

Behold the power of the comma!

While it works either way I meant it sans the coma.  :wink:

Coma Sans has to be my least favorite font.

Yes, well, either would apply, as I am a smart ass too! (or, to stay with the punctuation theme, a “clever colon”)

“I tell you, we got two categories of pilots around here. We got your prime pilots that get all the hot planes, and we got your pud-knockers who dream about getting the hot planes. Now what are you two pud-knockers gonna have?”

Pancho Barnes - Owner/operator Pancho’s Happy Bottom Riding Club

Pancho Barnes once told me her definition of an expert,
“Well, an ‘Ex’ is something that has been.  A spurt is a leak under pressure.  I guess that makes an expert a has-been leak under pressure.”

An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field.

+1 to that…the sternest teacher is the mistake…it’s lessons are both clear and seldom forgotten.

Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.

Font?  I thought they were Japanese twins

I think you mean “Comic Sans”

Comedy is good.  ;D

I profusely and profoundly apologize for having brought all this upon us… ;D