I am finally buying an oxygen stone, a wand and an 02 tank (the tank from Home Depot?), and I see a number of choices out there. Does anyone have any suggestions about which stone and want to buy? I am only doing 5 gallon batches in an ale pail. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I bought the long stemmed one from Williams Brewing. I like it because it is rigid and can move it around in the wort. I generally use 90 seconds, not sure what level of oxy I’m entraining. I use the red tank from H D. I get several batches from one tank. Now that I know you don’t have to open all the way, duh. I would like to have a refillable 5# tank for it though.
I a .5 micro stone that works very well. Mine is on the end of a length of beverage line. If I ever have to buy another I would get one that is on a wand. It seems like that would work better than the setup I have.
I have the same setup. I eventually plan to replace it with this
I like the fact that the stone uses a flared fitting to attach to the wand. A while ago I saw some complaints about other ones where the glue holding the stone to the wand came undone.
I remember seeing complaints that the stones were glued on when I was first looking into getting one. It’s probably been a few years ago since I looked because I really dont use pure o2 that often. They all may be welded now, which would make more sense. I think I would still prefer being able to remove it.
Nope. But medical tanks are bigger than the disposable tanks, and you can get regulators that adjust by liters per minute. Easier to find a set amount coming out, then just time it.