Wind Turbine for Capturing Brewing Water

[u]Wind Turbine for Creating Capturing Water[/u]

[quote]The wind turbine…is in the testing phase in the Abu Dhabi desert (in Mussafah, to be specific). Even from the desert air, it can pull 500 to 800 liters of clean water each day. With some improvements, Eole Water says that could be increased to 1,000 liters. All the wind turbine needs is wind speeds of at least 15 miles per hour.


I wonder what the mineral content of the water would be, if any? Imagine being able to power your brewery AND create capture all your water with this!

[Edited for the pedants!  :o]

It’s condensing the vapor from the air, so the water would have essentially no minerals. It’s a still.

If linked to geothermal wells, the cooling coils may become even more efficient.  It can be 120 F during daytime in the Gulf.

Capturing would be a better word than creating but whatever, that’s pretty damn clever!