Wine thief or turkey baster?

Which is preferred to take hydrometer samples? Am I pulling the sample straight out of the carboy? May need to be a long thief.

Doesn’t really matter much.  Both work equally well.  I use a turkey baster and just tip the carboy slightly if I need to.

Turkey baster always works for me.

Found a long turkey baster at a food supply store, that works fine for me.

I have both.  The turkey baster is a bit easier and, since it’s shorter, more maneuverable.  I’ve found the wine thief is better for getting a good OG reading as I can use it to effectively stir the wort to eliminate stratification after topping off with additional water.

I’m pretty certain the baster was cheaper.

I’m typically fermenting 3 gallons in a 6-gallon carboy or 1-2 gallons in a 3-gallon Better Bottle. So for me the thief is the best option because I need the extra length.

Or a turkey baster with a length of hose on it.

And this is why I come here every day. Brilliant idea!