Please contact your state Senators and representatives and the WI tavern league and point out that homebrewing has nothing to do with homemade bathtub gin and moonshine. The Tavern League just showed how dumb they really are. Remember this the next time you go to one of their constituent bars.
Wooooooooooo boy. They’ve got a lot of power there, too (as evidenced by the fact that most municipalities won’t sell beer in stores after 9pm).
Appleton native, here.
Wow, amazing how a large organization could come up with such an ill concieved argument.
When did Wisconsin become Alabama?
Let’s hope the good guys prevail. Stuff like this really brings to light the things we take for granted in our states.
Good luck Wisconsin!
That’s why they’re called cheeseheads. But it’s okay to hunt with AK47’s. New Glarus is a member. This is criminal…
I often wonder how some folks can be so narrow minded. That’s too bad.
I didn’t realize that events in India were of comparable to Wisconsin law.
That is just embarrassing.
If I were New Glarus, I’d be distancing myself from that organization as quickly as I could.
Nothing like making a stand against something that you clearly have zero knowledge of. Bathtub gin = homebrew?
I suspect it is less a case of speaking to an issue they know nothing about then speaking falsley to an issue they hope the reader/legislator knows nothing about. They have already managed to accomplish what they wanted to with that article. It is now forever in the minds of a certain (hopefully) minority of people in power that homebrew = moonshine. Now it takes extra work from us to reverse that opinion. A much more difficult task.
I say call your favorite breweries that are members of this tavern league and tell them that you will no longer be buying their producte unless then either apply preasure to the trade group or leave it outright.
“He noted homebrewers aren’t subject to the same health and safety inspection requirements as commercial brewers”
By extension of this logic, cooking meals at home should be banned as well.
Hmm that makes me wonder if I can turn my bathtub into a mash tun…
It’s sad that laws are made by those that are so close minded.
Eating home canned food is far more dangerous than drinking homebrew.
It’s not that amazing that a group who make their living by selling beer don’t want any threat to their stranglehold on the industry, no matter how small. What a farce.
Maybe somebody should start a petition to the Tavern League. It should be somebody who lives in Wisconsin.