Without a second thought

Wanted Shiner. There was a 12-pack of cans for $13 on the shelf. Turned around and spied a cold 12-pack of Newcastle Brown Ale for $14 in the cooler.

Which one did I get?
  • Shiner Bock
  • Newcastle Brown Ale
0 voters

Support the local brewery.

I happen to love newcastle, and so does my wife, its our go-to beer for “lets have a beer with dinner” when flying fish farmhouse ale isnt available, which is our new favorite.

Nothing is finer than a nice cold Shiner.  I love the bock and the blond ale.

Nothing against Newcastle, but I think it is a bit overpriced, considering the alternatives available at the same price (at least at my local market).

Both are mediocre beers.

At best. I voted neither…

I would have drove to the next store but in Texas…that could mean travelling to a different county!! :slight_smile:

What about your own beer?  We are hombrewers for crying out loud. :wink:

I like New Castle Brown and tried Shiner once but it wasn’t memorable. I am a fan of supporting your local brewery so I would probably give Shiner another shot.  :slight_smile:


For the longest time it was BMC only in Texas and Shiner was basically the only departure from the pale lagers. This made it quite popular in Central Texas. Shiner is the favorite of my friend with the super-sophisticated and sensitive palate. He admits this is partially due to nostalgia. When he is flush with cash it’s Shiner. Otherwise it’s Lonestar on the menu.

I’m surprised to hear the dissing of Newcastle. Not a particularly complex beer but smooth and easy drinking.

Not disrespect for Newcastle, just not much enthusiasm either.  It invokes a beer-neutral response from me.

I like Newcastle well enough, it just isn’t anything special IMO. I love Bock and Doppelbock so the fact that Shiner calls that beer a “Bock” really irks me. Neither of them are terrible beers, and I have carried Newcastle in the can back packing a few times. But out of those two beer, if they were the only two beer available, I’d pick SNPA.  :wink:

I’m not a fan of Shiner Bock.  I might be able to learn to like it, but Newki Brown would have to be my choice there.  Neither one comes anywhere near my top 500 beers though :-\

Well guess the suspense should be dealt with: I went with the Newcastle- it was only a dollar more. :smiley: The next day bought some Shiner to compare. Brown color and low BU’s are about the same. Shiner in the can carries some of the old-world grain flavor that I just don’t get from the bottle. Newcastle has light roasty caramel tones with a faintly sweet finish and I think it just plain drinks better.

Lately, when visiting the beer-aisle I’m starting to see the imports come down in price while the domestic craft beers have shot way up and are often more expensive. Kirin Ichiban is $6. The cheapest beer on the shelf.

I’m surprised they’re not giving it away.

Such cynicism and snobbery. I’m surprised too puni…

We are a hard crowd to please, that’s for sure. But if I had the pleasure of stopping by your place Euge, and you opened me a Shiner Bock, I’d gladly accept it.  ;D

LOL I’d be pleased to offer one as well as my homebrew!

Have you tried Kirin?  A buck a can is price gouging.  Not wasting money is not cynicism and snobbery.