I’ve brewed A.B. several times now with WLP007. Last night I was reading The Craft of Stone Brewing and dagnabbit, nearly all of the recipes they provide cite either 002 or 007 for fermentation.
I am looking for feedback from those that have brewed A.B. with both 002 and 007 and the perceived/real differences between the two. For example, will 002 produce a maltier character vs. 007 drying the beer out?
I have done an ESB,Pale Ale, and Brown Ale using these two yeasts at the same time. My wife and I prefered the 007 for all of them. The 007 gives you a maltier beer and the 002 a bit of fruit. Both are excellent just a matter of preference. Good luck!
+1 on WLP 007. I love both strains and brew about 70% of my beers with them. I would like for this beer 007 would be your best bet. Its definitely cleaner in terms of ester profile especially if you can ferment in the low/mid 60’s.
I usually pitch at 60, let it rise up to 64 and hold there for a day or two then let it rise up 68-70. Normally don’t have a problem getting the attenuation I want. Only issue I had using this strain was my last RIS which I missed my FG by about 6 points. Pretty sure that was due to my pitching rates. I was trying a new pitching rate calc and three of my beers unattenuated by about 5-6 points, so fairly sure I was under pitching.