Wondered what you think of this strain. I’m a big fan of WLP007, not so big on WLP002 so I wondered how this compared and what you thought of this as an all-purpose strain (Am and Eng styles).
I have read that Arcadia Brewing Company uses the Ringwood strain as there house strain. I enjoy all of their beers. I like the 007 for a more malty flavor. Take care.
Its a pretty picky difficult strain to work with. Especially on the first pitch. It can take a while to attenuate and drop out, and tends to leave a powdery yeast haze. I’ve done it side by side with 002, 1968 and 1099 in a couple of my beers and I didnt prefer the Ringwood in any of them. But thats me. I believe its Dogfish house strain as well. I always encourage you to try it side by side in a beer youve brewed a couple times with the normal strain you use. Maybe brew somethnig up you would normally pitch 007 into and split the batch.
Lots of people don’t like it, but I think it is a terrific yeast for British and American ales. Pitch a lot of yeast, oxygenate, and rouse frequently. Gets better and better using a whole yeast cake. Use the final yeast cake to brew a big ole Russian Imperial Stout.
Yeah, lots of people hate this strain. For English styles though, I really like it. Like others mentioned, just treat it well and it will perform well. I haven’t tried it in American styles. I think 007 will be a better choice if you want something more versatile. You can get it to ferment pretty clean at lower temps. I think Ringwood has too much character for that.
Yeh I’ve found that it has quite a bit of character as well. Like I mentioned also, the first pitch can be a pain but after a use or 2 it starts to be more cooperative.
I use in a couple of recipes. I’ve never had any issues with it but as other have said some people really dislike this yeast.
I used to use it for my IPAs (because “Extreme Brewing” says DFH uses it for 60 Min).
It IS a pain to work with, and I don’t believe makes a beer “maltier” or “more English-like” than 007 or 002.
I thought Arcadia used an offshoot of the Fuller’s strain?
Ok, thanks. Maybe I will skip it if its that difficult to work with.
I’ve heard about the difficulties with Ringwood for years. I wonder if there is an issue with calcium content that this yeast presents? Cranky fermentation performance and poor settling character could be attributed to insufficient calcium content.
We have plenty of data that indicates 50 ppm Ca is good enough. But one consideration is that some calcium is lost in the mash. Sierra Nevada aims for an 85 ppm Ca target so that they end up with 50 ppm in the kettle. Maybe Ringwood is just one of those yeast that need more Ca?
Well, I have calcium, no doubt about that.
I think Cooperstown Brewing Company uses Ringwood.
Just tried Ringwood for the first time. Wasn’t much trouble; just took a little longer in the fermenter. Around 50 ppm of Calcium.