Woo Hoo.... CYA all in June

The AHA website store must be getting pretty bogged down right now.  Took a half hour to register for NHC.  But, me and the better half are registered, and excited about our second conference.

Brewing with Bigfoot, baby.

w00t!  ;D

Awesome Mic, see you there :slight_smile:

I reserved my room already.  :o  :wink:

I got my tickets. Good thing its only a 15 minute drive from my house. Probably taking the bus in, and having my wife give me a ride back :smiley:

Room booked.
Full Conference Ticket purchased.
Plane Tickets bought ( thank God for FF miles - it’s something like $700 from the East Coast right now )

Is it June yet?  :wink:

As long as she doesn’t mind picking you up at 2AM every night :wink:

Well, I got an hour drive, then a ferry, then who knows from the ferry dock to Bellevue.

Still better than a plane ride…  But too far to commute each day.

well, maybe I will get a hotel room… but I can’t pay 140 a night… If I end up needing one, I can walk over to one of the cheap hotels near by.

and mic, probably 20-45 minutes to Bellevue depending on traffic. Just make sure to take I-90 instead of 520, 520 is tolled now.

You can certainly do that, but take it from a seasoned conference veteran…it’s MUCH better to stay at the conference hotel than to be even next door.  How about getting a roommate to knock the price down?

hmmm… lots to thing about. Good thing my Homebrew club meeting is next tuesday, right?

Yeah, even the GC members end up sharing rooms just to cut costs. you gotta figure you’re spending most of your time not in there and most of the time sleeping with powerful sedation. :slight_smile:

and yeah, conference hotel is key just to not miss out on random happenings.

Or several room-mates…take turns sleeping on the floor.

You may want to require them to take a shot of beano before agreeing to share your room  :D ( Watch out for the Yeast Ghosts )

My roommates have found that they need ear plugs more than beano…

Looks like the conference hysteria is beginning…  :slight_smile:

I have a freind who’s planning to come along but if for some reason he can’t make it, I’ll definitely be looking for someone to split the room with.

Locked and loaded!

I thought this would be the year I finally made it to the conference.  Alas, due to a lack of funds I’ll be sitting this one out too.  Hopefully 2013 will be my year!

Yeah, we need this thing on the east coast for once. I’d go if I could drive there. Flights are just too much right now.

Have fun everyone, have a beer for me!  8)

It’s coming to the East Coast next year!