Has anyone tried it yet?
Wondering where it comes from and if anyone has any additional info.
Wyeast 1217-PC West Coast IPA
Available October-December
Beer Styles: American IPA, Imperial IPA, American Pale Ale, American brown ale, Red Ales, Scottish Ales
Profile: This strain is ideally suited to the production of west-coast style American craft beers, especially pale, IPA, red, and specialties. Thorough attenuation, temp tolerance, and good flocculation make this an easy strain to work with. Flavor is balanced neutral with mild ester formation at warmer temps, allowing hops, character malts, and flavorings to show through.
I’ll chime in to say I’d like to hear any experiences as well, especially a brewer’s comparison to 1056/001. Specs show greater potential attenuation for 1217 vs 1056 yet higher flocculation with 1217 as well. Interesting.
This would be a good strain to batch split with 1056 on your next IPA.
I tried to buy some of this last week for an APA I was brewing. My LHBS didn’t get any in their weekly Wyeast shipment because Wyeast was out of stock/backordered on the West Coast IPA yeast. I guess it has been popular?
Yeah, the 1217 sounds pretty interesting. Gonna see if my LHBS has it (or can get it). If it works as advertised hopefully it’ll be added as a year round. Hopefully somebody will get it and post results soon.
Seems like a strange release for the winter. I guess IPA is a year-round drink but it seems like an IPA-focused strain would come out in the spring or early summer.
Just pitched into a 1.058 IPA/Pale Ale this weekend. It’s has already taken off at 62 degrees in less than 12 hours. I will report back in a couple weeks with my verdict. Plan on then using it in a bigger beer later on.
Me too. It has been a while, but wondering about your impressions.
I used it in a west coast bitter… I was shocked at how fast it went. Done in 4 days, but I did ferment a little warm - 68.
Sample tasted pretty clean. But bitter. :o
Thinking of using it in an IIPA next.
I would generally agree with what pinnah said. The beer finished fairly dry, 1.012 or so, but did have nice mouth feel. The hops were on display without the malt disappearing. I’ll use it again but I would need to try it next to the same beer made with 1056 to really be able to notice a difference.