Like many of you, my brewing got placed onto a budget for these economic times. I got my hands on this type of yeast and was just curious as to some of the Fav 50 brews people are brewing with this and the results… pro or con … of utilizing this strain(s) with the various styles??? cheers!!
Well, as it turns out I’m pretty familiar with that yeast. ;) It’s great for almost any American style where you want a clean fermentation profile and a nice full mouthfeel. I use it for my Rye IPA, any AIPA, APA, American style robust porter…stuff like that. You can search the recipe wiki for some of the recipes I use it in.
I have used it in APAs and love it. My next brew with it is goin to be a Scottish 70/-
I bet it’ll be great in that.
thanks for the responses denny and bo_, I like the description you gave denny, it helps tremendously. I believe my next 11 gallon batch will see 5.5 for Wyeast 1450 and 5.5 for my previously harvested yeast. I can foresee me harvesting the 1450 for future utilization’s from now on… This will be fun for comparisons… cheers!!
FYI Brewquest, starting in Jan. WY1450 will be a full time strain.
It is really fun to brew a double batch and split it between two different yeasts to what an impact the yeast truly has on the final beer…from what I have done there is a big difference between 1450 and 1056 in the same wort ;D
Great news!
Hey Denny. Is your’s the old CL-50 yeast?
Not Denny but yep, that’s exactly what it is
I’d say yes with a caveat…it’s been a long time since that yeast came from Brewtek. It’s been kept in my yeast bank for years and recultured, then given to Wyeast and recultured more. So I wouldn’t be surprised if there were subtle differences by this point. But it certainly started out as CL-50.
Its a great yeast and I wish I would have had for Denny’s BVIP. glad to hear it is going full time in January
FWIW, I’ve brewed Denny’s Rye IPA, Denny’s BVIP, IPAs, APAs, Brown ales and Blonde ales with 1450 and they turned out great!
From what I’ve heard, 1450 should have started being available full time as of last Monday.
I’m a big fan of WLP001. How does it compare and/or differ from 001.
i’m shocked you haven’t tried it yet, bluesman.
the quick hits: bigger mouthfeel and slightly more accentuation on the malt character, slightly less attenuation (though that is certainly subjective).
I have found successive pitches yield greater attenuation than the first, bringing it in line with 001. That is based only on 4 new packs though. I am currently fermenting my Cents IPA with a 1st gen of it, so we’ll see if I have the same result.
Much fuller mouthfeel, kinda silky. Never having used 001 more than once, that’s about the best I can do!
I will have to pick some up and give it a try. Maybe an APA to start.
goes well with a simcoe/amarillo pale ale, I can attest!
How about Centennial and Cascade.