WYeast 3538-PC Leuven Pale Ale

I know I’m a dork, but one of my favorite things about getting a new Zymurgy is finding the Wyeast PC ad and checking out the new (sometimes) PC strains.  I’ve never heard of Leuven Pale Ale, I’m assuming it’s for a belgian pale ale, does anyone know anything about it?

I love answering my own question:
Wyeast Labs Leuven Pale Ale Yeast - 3538

Yeast Type Ale
Yeast Form Liquid
Floccuation High
Attenuation 76.5%
Optimum Fermentation Temperature 60 °F - 75 °F
Description Vigorous top fermenting yeast with spicy aromatic characteristics. Slight phenolics dissipate with conditioning. Excellent strain for a variety of Belgian styles including pales, doubles, & brown ales.

But that doesn’t tell me a whole lot, has anyone used it?

In case anyone cares… I found out that it’s the yeast from Corsendonk.

I care, this is great research and the follow up is much appreciated. :slight_smile:
Recently did a Belgian PA with Wyeast 3655 Selde.
Started at 1.064 and finished at 1.012.
Tasty,  a bot clovee, which I like.
I will keg this weekend and see how it goes.
If yuo like I wil post tasting results.

Cool, I was wondering about the schelde yeast.  I’m not at the point in my brewing scheule for a Belgian, but I will be in May, which is when I’ll give the Leuven or the Canadian/Belgian yeast a try.