Belgian Pale Ale

Recommendation Yeast for this style?  I was looking for Wyeast Belgian Schelde or White Labs Antwerp ale, but can’t find them.  —

Would Ardennes be good?

Yeah, I’ve made it with Ardennes and liked it alot. 3787 is always good too, as is 1214 if you keep it cool.

What would be the ideal temp with ardennes, and would you keep it there the whole time or let is rise?

I think I held @ 64 for 2 - 3 days and let it rise a couple degrees per day up to the upper 70s. It was tasty !

Wyeast 3522 (Ardennes) is is my go-to Belgian ale yeast.  I’ve used it in blond, pale and Belgian Dark Strong.  It had a slight clove flavor in a blond fermented at it just under 70F but a more mellow flavor that complements the malt in a Belgian pale and BDS.  I keep it around 67F and don’t care if it gets in the low 70’s.  The stuff takes of like a rocket and attenuates well.

Schelde and Antwerp are really good for Amber and malty Belgian Ales. 3787 is my favorite for Belgian Pale.


If your goal is a DeKoninck type of pale ale (a bit fruity, no phenols), then I highly recommend the Antwerp yeast.  The Schelde yeast has a bit more phenol than the Antwerp, in my experience.

If your goal is more towards a Trappist/Abbey type of pale ale, then seek the others previously mentioned.