JZ suggests WLP500 or wyeast 1214. Reading the descriptions of these and comparing to some of the other Belgian yeasts I really don’t know which to try. I was looking at 3522 (ardennes) but Denny mentioned something about a tartness with that one in another thread.
My favorite Belgian yeast is 3787, hands down. I actually prefer it in lower-gravity Belgians, and go with 1762 for bigger Belgians. I’ve made just about every Belgian style with every Belgian yeast, and those are those are the two I keep coming back to. But I’ve never met a Belgian yeast I didn’t like. Any of them will be great.
Comments: Similar strength as a dubbel, similar character as a Belgian Strong Golden Ale or Tripel, although a bit sweeter and not as bitter. Often has an almost lager-like character, which gives it a cleaner profile in comparison to the other styles. Belgians use the term “Blond,” while the French spell it “Blonde.” Most commercial examples are in the 6.5 – 7% ABV range. Many Trappist table beers (singles or Enkels) are called “Blond” but these are not representative of this style.
I just made a Belgian Tripple / Blonde using the ardennes yeast strain. I’m not a too much of a style nazi. However, I found that the white labs version of 3522 (ardennes) is a cleaner fermenter than WLP500. Which is why I would choose 3522 ardennes yeast strain.
I’m a big fan of WLP500 in Tripples, because it kicks up fruity esters, and a bunch of spicy phenols. But after trying the ardennes yeast strain, I would go with the ardennes strain for a blond because it’s a very well balanced strain for the bolnde.
In my opinion it most certainly does. I’m currently on the 8th generation of this yeast strain, I keep on reusing previous yeast cakes. I most certainly recommend Ardennes yeast strain in Darker Belgains, Strong dark Belgains and blondes.
I’m glad to see I’m not crazy to enjoy 1762 in my dark strongs. I always felt that 3787 gave a pretty strong clove character, though, so maybe I am crazy.
Wow thanks! That’s very interesting. Turns out the one that they said gave the “classic” Belgian taste (550) is supposed to be equivalent to the one I was eyeing at first (3522). I guess that would be a good one to start with. My LHBS only stocks White Labs so I’ll see if they carry 550.
Fair enough. I’m not saying it makes a bad beer. But I’ve done side by side fermentations and for my money the Chimay or Rochefort yeast make much better dubbels and darker beers.
I’ve used all but Chimay from your list and I like Unibroue the best.
I made a blond with that yeast and sent it to a competition and got remarks like “perfect example of the style” “no flaws in flavor or aroma” “all the flavor of golden strong but without the high alcohol”
It’s a very nice strain and I’m actually reviving it right now to make a blond again
Just about to keg my blonde. Very fruity. Not sure I like 3787 for a blonde. It’s certainly dry at 1.006, but I don’t really like the fruitiness.
My Belgian Imperial Stout is interesting. I don’t think I’d do it again, though. It may age out well, almost like a quad. Fruity up front, sweet and roasty finish. The yeast is definitely done, but I’d like it to attenuate more. Maybe I’ll put in on the 3787 for a week.