Yeast Alternative

White Labs Belgian Saison III does not seem to be in stock anywhere at the moment. I’m hoping to brew Briess’ Saison du Soleil (Saison du Soleil | Beer Recipe), and was wondering if anyone could suggest an alternate yeast? Saison du Soleil uses 6.6 lbs CBW® Pilsen Light LME  Extract and 1 lb CBW® Bavarian Wheat DME for 5 gallons, hops are Centennial and Saaz.


3711 would work well. I am currently using the hell out of Imperial Rustic.

^Like Stevie said, 3711 will get the job done quickly and completely.  No finicky issues when using that strain.

Finally tried it. Like it a lot. I’m convinced it’s 3726. Really temp sensitive like 3726 - vary the schedule just a little and it changes a ton. Awesome to be able to get it year round now.

What is your favorite temp schedule for 3726? I’ve done well starting at 65-68 for a day or two rising to about 72 to finish. Used it at 60 once but it was too much banana, less pepper and snap to it.

I pitched at 68 last batch and walked away. I don’t think it got over 76. Wort was a kolsch base and the result was half saison half Belgian.

Pretty much what you do - I like to hold it @ 67F for 48 hrs, then ramp slowly to 75F (like maybe 2dF/day).

Imperial Napoleon seems to be very similar if not the same as 3711.

Great thanks. Yeah sounds like we are pretty much on the same page there.

While 3711 is the easy choice for a saison, 3726 is by far my favorite choice :D.  My fermentation temp schedule is pitch at ~72F and place on floor at room temp (~70-72F), and then wrap a med-heavy weight blanket (electric blanket in my case) around the fermenter with the goal of seeing it hit ~85F by 36 hours.  48-hours post-pitch, I plug in the blanket and keep the fermenter in the 80s for another 2 days.  After that, it’s done.  Crash, keg, carb and drink!

I’m really liking the rustic, I’m on my 4th or 5th saison using it. I think I like it in the high 70’s and letting it finish at about 85. I tried it a couple times holding it in the sixties for the primary, and I got too much bubblegum. I’m not getting the monster attenuation I would get from 3711, but I’m happy with getting between 85-88%