yeast nutrient amount

I bought some LD Carlson ‘yeast nutrient’ from Yakima Valley that says ‘add one tsp per gallon of must’. I saw a thread where someone stated that they use 1/2 tsp of Wyeast’s product for 5 gallons of beer. Should I really be adding over 5 teaspoons per batch and does it matter that it seems that this is for wine?

sounds like their wine nutrient??  for wyeast beer nutrient, it’s is 1/2 teaspoon per 5-gal…that’s what I use.

Well that’s a bummer and kind of confusing. I don’t think YVH sells any wine making ingredients…

Found this on Northern Brewer: “Yeast Nutrient is a mixture of diammonium phosphate and food-grade urea that nourishes yeast, ensuring that it remains healthy throughout fermentation. One teaspoon per gallon recommended for wine, mead, and cider.”  >:(

Malt has most or all of the nutrients yeast needs. Must and mead don’t so need a lot more nutrients to be added.

my LHBS caries LD carlson also. I still have a bag of what you bought, so dont feel bad  ::slight_smile:

I just felt more confident in the wyeast product, and use both their beer and wine yeast nutrient.

Ah yes, I have that too, and it’s confusingly also called “yeast nutrient”. A blend of diammonium phosphate and ammonium sulphate. When you make mead you need that PLUS the regular yeast nutrient that is also used for beer. I think this has no purpose in beer making.

A buddy uses the LD stuff and I was confused when I saw him dumping multiple scoops into a batch. He’s beers are fine, but still seemed like a lot. I use wyeast.

My new LHBS only sells the whitelabs stuff that looks similar to wyeast. It’s $8 a jar! I used to pay $1.50 for wyeast

I love YVH but I may need to take this up with them. Maybe convince them to rethink this product. It is kind of misleading to carry all beer brewing products but carry wine/mead yeast nutrient without designating it as such. I guess I made an incorrect assumption so I am at fault as well. It is a very minor thing but it still bugs me…

My LHBS was out of Wyeast once so I bought a bag of this stuff. I wasn’t comfortable using that much, so I backed off the amount to near the Wyeast rate. I didn’t notice any negatives. I’d rather use Wyeast though, obviously.

IIRC mine had much more of the white crystals stuff mixed with the tan…very different looking the wyeast so I decided against it. still sitting around but likely just chucking it when I remember.

Yeah, I used it once and tossed it after. No sub for Wyeast.

The stuff I got pretty much looks like crack with no tan impurities  :wink:

Here is the extensive reply from LD Carlson after sending an email inquiry:
“The yeast nutrient can be used in beer wort”

I may just throw some in until I get around to getting some Wyeast product. I am not putting in 6 tsp though…

At what stage of the boil should it be added?

Add it 5-10 minutes before the end of the boil.

but that dosage worries me…that seems like quite a bit. id go 1/2 tsp.

According to Using Yeast Nutrients - Brew Your Own you can combine the DAP you have now with dried yeast hulls, which have all the nutrients in sufficient amounts except for nitrogen and phosphorus, which DAO supplies. Plus: “A half teaspoon of DAP is generally recommended for addition to a 5-gallon (19-L) batch of wort”.

Thanks for the link and the info. That is very helpful. So it’s basically partial yeast nutrient as it pertains to beer anyway.

Looks like LD Carlson’s yeast energizer is what I was assuming this was
"Contains diammonium phosphate, yeast hulls, magnesium sulphate and other nutrients to keep yeast active for longer when used after fermentation has begun.  Use to help restart a stuck fermentation and to increase active yeast cell count.  "