Does anyone use it? Just realized I had some lying around.
Pretty much always. Yeast need zinc, the Wyeast nutrient has zinc.
A pinch in each canning jar of starter wort, 1/2 tsp in every boil kettle
Agreed with Jeff on all counts. I use Wyeast, too.
I use wyeast as well. I go through 2 tubes a year at about $1.75 each, worth it to me.
A buddy uses something from BSG that calls for 1/2-1 tsp per gallon.
I use it for wine but never beer. I don’t think it’s needed unless you’re pushing yeast to high gravity.
Always…I figure I can use the zinc too…
I always plan to use it. But like the Irish moss I often forget.
It generally gets used in my staters.
Fermax (the cheap stuff), 1 g/gal for starters, 5 g/bbl for normal-gravity wort and double that for high-gravity. At something on the order of pennies per batch, I can’t think of a reason not to. My tap water is also very soft so I could hypothetically see a benefit others wouldn’t. Or it could all just be in my head. Every one of you…
You will get faster fermentations with the nutrient and less sulfur. I use the Wyeast nutrient. Someone argued that you “don’t need it” which is partially true but once you start using it regularly you will notice a difference and will probably continue to use it.
I wonder if I use too much. The bag always says 1tsp per gallon of wort. Seems like all of you use much less than that.
I use it for my starters and in the boil kettle. I drop it in at the same time I make a Whirlflock addition. I’ve noticed slightly faster and more complete fermentation.
I feel the same. Maybe not necessary per se to make beer, but I like the results.
I’m thinking that’s for fruit/honey must. Still sounds like a lot.
Is it the BSG stuff?
My LHBS was out of Wyeast once, so I bought some wine nutrient in a pinch. It said to use 1 tsp/gallon. I passed on that and used 1 tsp total.
Funny. It seems that the yeast nutrient question comes up every now and then and whatever the first couple of people say gains momentum. I’m pretty sure last time the consensus was it was unnecessary and those who used it didn’t know if it makes a difference. I use servomyces capsules in the boil for big beers and an organic nutrient for mead and cider.
I only use yeast nutrient on big beers (OG greater than 1.080).
I do add a pinch of sea salt to a lot of beers, thinking that might provide a little zinc. My understanding is that the yeast does not need a lot of zinc, just some.
I suppose if you were a commercial brewer or were under the gun to get fermentation done quicker for whatever reason, you would use it all the time. But my experience has been that it makes no difference in final gravity or taste in low to middle gravity beer.
What kind are you using? The instructions for the Wyeast nutrient that I use are 1/2 tsp per 5 gallons.